kiedy hurt ? | kupno | sprzedaż |
Swiss franc
4.46200 |
4.54700 |
Swiss franc
4.45000 | 4.55000 |
Current Swiss franc exchange rate at the Grand exchange office in Katowice.
Awers 1000 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 1000 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 200 Swiss francs 2018
Rewers 200 Swiss francs 2018
Awers 100 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 100 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 50 Swiss francs 2018
Rewers 50 Swiss francs 2018
Awers 20 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 20 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 10 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 10 Swiss francs 2016
The official means of payment in two countries: Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In our country, the currency is associated primarily with loans, for all those who have such a loan it is important that the złoty strengthens against the franc, in such a situation the loan installments decrease. In 2009, the złoty weakened, the increase in loans affected over six hundred thousand of our compatriots. Currently, the situation has stabilized.