kiedy hurt ? | kupno | sprzedaż |
Swedish krona
0.33050 |
0.34300 |
Swedish krona
0.30500 | 0.36000 |
Current Swedish krona exchange rate at the Grand exchange office in Katowice.
Awers 1000 Swedish krona 2015
Rewers 1000 Swedish krona 2015
Awers 500 Swedish krona 2015
Rewers 500 Swedish krona 2015
Awers 200 Swedish krona 2016
Rewers 200 Swedish krona 2016
Awers 100 Swedish Krona 2016
Rewers 100 Swedish Krona 2016
Awers 50 Swedish krona 2015
Rewers 50 Swedish krona 2015
Awers 20 Swedish krona 2015
Rewers 20 Swedish krona 2015
How much does a Swedish krona cost in Katowice? On our website we present the current rate of purchase and sale of the Swedish currency, the price depends primarily on the amount of the exchanged amount and the current exchange rate. On each subpage of our website there are graphics of currencies currently in circulation, also Swedish krona banknotes are shown: 20 krona, on which there is a portrait of Astrid Lindgren, known primarily from a childrens book about the adventures of Pippi Langstrumpf, the 50 Swedish krona banknote has the image of Evert Taube, who was known as a singer and composer, the 100 krona banknote has a portrait of the famous actress born in Sweden Greta Garbo, the 200 krona banknote also has a well-known figure in the world of film director Ingmar Bergman, 500 is the singer Birgit Nilsson and 1000 krona politician Dag Hammarskjöld.